Friday, July 31, 2009


JobTi­tle: Site Engi­neer (Civil)

About Era Group :

ERA GROUP is a multi-faceted engi­neer­ing, con­struc­tion and ser­vices con­glom­er­ate, well posi­tioned in the fastest grow­ing seg­ments of the econ­omy viz. con­struc­tion, infra­struc­ture devel­op­ment, real estate, hos­pi­tal­ity & enter­tain­ment and pre-engineered buildings.ERA encom­passes four enti­ties offer­ing — Era Infra Engi­neers (India) Ltd (earst­while known as Era Con­struc­tions (I) Lim­ited), Era Land­mark (India) Ltd. (earst­while known as Era Infra­struc­tures (I) Lim­ited) Era E-Zone (India) Ltd. and ERA BUILDING SYSTEMS Lim­ited (ear­lier knows as Era Metal Build­ing Sys­tems (I) Ltd.) all of which rep­re­sent a syn­er­gis­tic and futur­is­tic busi­ness mix.

HQ in New Delhi, under the guid­ance of its pro­moter and ded­i­cated human assets of over 1600 employ­ees, Era has devel­oped a dis­tinc­tive niche and cred­i­ble pres­ence in the indus­try. Armed with solid expe­ri­ence and track record, a syn­er­gis­tic busi­ness model, strong engi­neer­ing base, tech­nol­ogy dri­ven approach, world class exe­cu­tion & project man­age­ment capa­bil­i­ties and robust inter­nal sys­tems enables Era to deliver cost-competitive and qual­ity projects at record speed. It also col­lab­o­rates with the best-in-class to enhance its band­width of offer­ings and increas­ing its com­pe­tency in build­ing the India of tomorrow.

The under­ly­ing phi­los­o­phy of Era is to be the first choice in their niche area through com­mit­ted focus on qual­ity, inno­va­tion, tech­nol­ogy, stake­holder growth and social respon­si­bil­ity. Era has con­sciously endeav­ored to build a port­fo­lio of busi­nesses that har­mo­nizes with one another and facil­i­tates the deliv­ery of a com­pre­hen­sive one point solu­tion, there by mak­ing them the pre­ferred part­ner of choice.

Expe­ri­ence: 3 — 5 Years

Skills: civil / good com­mu­ni­ca­tion / mon­i­tor­ing / doc­u­men­ta­tion

Job Descrip­tion:

1. Assist­ing the Project In-charge in check­ing the raw mate­ri­als and other basic mate­ri­als.
2. Assist­ing the Project In-charge in exe­cu­tion of work as per draw­ing and BOQ spec­i­fi­ca­tion.
3. Assist­ing the Project In-charge in check­ing the vari­a­tion in quan­ti­ties if any and find­ing the rea­sons for the same.
4. Assist­ing the Project In-charge in mak­ing the quan­ti­ties of extra item at site.
5. Co-ordination between dif­fer­ent agen­cies work­ing at site-civil, elec­tri­cal, HVAC etc. for smooth imple­men­ta­tion.
6. Imple­ment­ing stan­dard for­mats for dif­fer­ent activ­i­ties to exe­cute the work by stan­dard­ized work­ing tech­nique.
7. Check­ing the bills with con­trac­tor and for­ward­ing it to the Project In-charge.
8. Mak­ing the rec­on­cil­i­a­tion of mate­ri­als along with bill.
9. Record­ing qual­ity para­me­ters for exe­cut­ing work at site.
10. Main­tain reg­is­ter for key mate­ri­als as per stan­dard for­mats.
11. Mon­i­tor­ing the test­ing of all the mate­ri­als i.e. sand coarse aggre­gate com­pres­sive strength of C.C. Cubes, Bricks water cement Ratio (Slump-Cone test) steel Bars of indi­vid­ual lot in respect of stan­dard wt./actual and rebound test etc.
12. Ensur­ing com­plete doc­u­men­ta­tion in respect of all tests to be car­ried out under his control.


  • –Should be diploma/Degree holder in Civil with atleast 3 – 5 years of experience.
  • –Should be from Real Estate/ Con­struc­tion indus­try only.
  • –Should have han­dled the exe­cu­tion work of High Rise Buildings/ Group housings

Loca­tion: Noida

Edu­ca­tion: B.Tech/B.E./Any PG Course

Apply:Send your cv to silvia.s(AT)

Sil­via Sareen
Era Group
B-24, Sec­tor 3, Noida
NOIDA,Uttar Pradesh,India 201301



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